The name "Triassic" originates from Central Europe. In Germany, including the TERRA.vita Nature and Geopark, the Triassic sequence of rocks can be divided into three sections ...
In the Early Triassic, known as the Buntsandstein in Germany, red sandstones were deposited in a river landscape. The colour of these sandstones is caused by the rusting of iron components in the sediment - yes, soil can rust! This still happens in regions with rainforests.
In the Middle Triassic, called Muschelkalk in Germany, TERRA.vita was located in the tidal zone of an inland sea basin, the Germanic Basin. Archosaurs, relatives of the dinosaurs, and horseshoe crabs left their footprints and tracks in the calcareous mudflats. The mud was churned by molluscs and crustaceans.
In the Late Triassic, called Keuper in German, rivers again ran through our area and deposited mainly sandstones. The sedimentary rocks of the Triassic are mainly found in the Osnabrück area.
Experience the Triassic in the Silberseestollen oder im Botanical Garden of the University of Osnabrück.